New Christian Fiction
In the latest issue of Aspiring Retail, there’s a long article about some of the newest authors
in Christian fiction. It’s wonderful to read through. Many of the people I know, some I don’t. I was struck with how diverse the topics of their novels are, and how every genre has new authors. There’s a lot to choose from here, folks. Something for everybody.
Read Christian Novelists on the Rise here.
Brandilyn, I want you to know that I am praying for you. I am praying that you will meet your deadlines and that, in the midst of the tyranny of the urgent, you will find quiet waters and green pastures to refresh your soul. You go, girl!
Thanks for the link. I enjoyed reading the article. I knew some, and had heard of most of the others. It's an exciting day in Christian fiction. So much variety.
I think you can only read it if you're a subscriber?
Thanks for the link, Brandilyn. I was able to read it no problem. Great to see all those familiar faces!
Wouldn't let me read it. Oh well.
One of those things. I also read it with no problem, even printed the article. Thanks for sharing.
Strange. I have no idea why some of you can read this article and some can't. Anybody got a guess?
How cool to see some familiar ACFW faces ( and a bg or two ) in that article.
Neither John nor I could read it. Is a Y chromosome a disqualifier?
I was told I'd "exceeded my use" for the site (but it was hardly ever used...only by a little old lady on Sundays).
Oh, well. But thanks for trying, Brandilyn.
Thanks for the article, Brandilyn. I never would have known I was in it otherwise!
I'm new to your blog and finding it highly entertaining! Looking forward to reading your books (as soon as I scrape up some nerve;)
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