Happy Friday. First the feedback from the belly-button examination.
Thank you again for all of your encouraging comments. They meant a lot. I will be continuing to blog, but not every Monday through Friday as I have been. I don't have specific weekdays. I'm going to be cutting down to two or three times a week. If I have more to say in a week--I'll say it. I really don't want to give up this blog altogether, yet I do need a little breathing room with this new insane schedule I'm on. So this is a good compromise. Note--I always post the night before, usually around 9 p.m. Pacific time. So if you check this blog in the morning and see no new post, no need checking back throughout the day. You can always leave a comment on the last post and know I'll see it--all comments are e-mailed to me. You know, something along the lines of, "Where's your post for today, ya lazy writer?!"
Why do I have an even more insane schedule than usual? Can't tell you until ICRS time (in three weeks). Blame that on my publisher. I've only been sitting on the news for a year.
Speaking of ICRS (the annual convention for Christian publishing)--here comes the Failure part. Guess what's happening this year on Monday night?
The Personality Party. Again.
Am I invited?
One year ago I wrote on this very subject, bemoaning my fate. Here I am, another year older--and no better off. And I tried so hard! I started to write a new post on the subject, then figured--heck, why not just cut and paste from last year? Hardly any editing needed.
... Got my copy of the latest Aspiring Retail. The magazine’s full of information on ICRS ... One thing I won’t be doing there—going to a special party Monday night. I’m not invited.
It’s a “Personality Party,” see. For personality-laden authors, and the booksellers dying to meet them.
Apparently I am quite dull.
It was bad enough before. ICRS used to have “personality booths.” Certain authors with the “P” distinction would sign their books in these special roped off areas, for which the publisher paid extra money. I’d just sign at the Z booth.
But now—oh, man, rub it in. It’s a party. For two whole hours. They’ll probably have streamers and everything.
In the P booth days, I'd bemoan my fate to my friends. Relegated to Dull-dom, I declared that some bright, shining day I would grow a Personality. Now, staring at the P party in bold font on the magazine’s schedule, I have given up. This is my fifth [EDIT--SIXTH] ICRS. I’ve loitered in Dullsville, while the P authors have graduated to a night’s event.
But I'm not bitter.
Tell me, what do I have left to do? To try? For five [EDIT--SIX] interminable years, I’ve parked myself before a mirror, practicing expressions. Accents. Certain suave tilts of the head. Coy looks through my lashes. Nothing has worked.
I am doomed.
But not to worry. Ever the fighter am I. Somehow I shall keep my chin up at the convention. Maybe I’ll find other dull authors to hang with on Monday night. What a time we should have. Think the waiters will notice us?
Or perhaps I shall plant myself in front of my hotel room mirror. Practicing yet again. Hoping against hoping that in 2007 [EDIT--2008], that bright and shining year . . .
If you don't have the personality to get invited, I have trouble imagining who would be!
Loved the answers you gave Randy Ingermanson on his blog. (http://www.advancedfictionwriting.com/blog) Thanks for sharing!
We'll miss your daily blogs (and occasional barbs), Brandilyn. As for being left off the P-list, repeat after me: "I don't have to hang out with the cool kids. And I have a great personality."
Be well. And if all else fails, eat chocolate. It's an antidepressant.
Hey BC-- Honestly, I'm not just kissing up here--I CANNOT imagine why you're not invited to the Personality Party. In fact, I don't understand why you're not HEADLINING it.
You. Are. A. Scream., B.! You keep us laughing with your antics and your transparency, which is SO refreshing!
You said, "Tell me, what do I have left to do?...This is my fifth [EDIT--SIXTH] ICRS. I’ve loitered in Dullsville, while the P authors have graduated to a night’s event."
K, here: Here's what you need to do. Fall down on your knees and say, "Thank You, God, that I'm a CLLF author (contracted in long length fiction)!! Who cares about being a P author, just so long as I'm a CLLF author!!" GRIN I've been to every ICRS since '99 except last year, and though I'm VERY grateful to be a CSLF author (contracted in short length fiction), I longgggggggggggg to be a CLLF author. (Just being transparent here.)
So cheer up, CLLF author. With your drive and energy AND with God's anointing on your life and writing, you'll be a P author in God's timing. Ditto with me for being a CLLF author. I just know it.
Thanks for letting me get this off my chest!
Thanks for the encouragement, folks. I gotta tell ya, in all honesty, if I WAS invited to that party, I'd laugh myself silly. I've been teasing about it for years now, so if I went, I'd remember all my teasing, and how crazy I think the whole "personality" thing is anyway, and I'd just giggle all night. People would think I'm insane.
Well, okay, just 'cause it's true...
I'm so glad that you're going to continue to blog, even if it is part time. I'm glad for the warning though so we won't panic when you miss a day envisioning another snow-mobile incident.
Maybe GG can guest blog for you occasionally...
Hey, Brandilyn, I'll be covering ICRS and the Christys for Novel Journey! See you there! So if you have a scoop, save an interview for me. :o)
great blog - I found your link through blogging chicks.. take care and happy day :)
Brandilyn, so understand about needing to lessen time blogging. It's amazing how much time creating those short little things can take up.
I'm relieved that this is not "goodbye," but just "see ya when I see ya." Whew! Enjoy the extra breaths of oxygen in your lungs, Brandilyn. We love you, whether you blog every single day or not!
Okay, as one of those who will be signing at the personality party (you know, one of those authors you've never heard of), I don't get it either, Miss B. I'm reading your books right now and I love them. And if the truth is told, you probably have ten times more personality than me. : )
But this is the deal. Two years ago I walked in the doors of ICRS and what greeted me? One of those oversize posters hanging from the massive ceiling. Whose face was on it? Miss Personality herself, you. : ) And I wondered then if I would ever have a massive poster of my smiling face greeting people as they walked through the door.
Love your blog, sis. It's fun.
Suzie Eller (T. Suzanne)
It takes no personality to have yer face hung from the ceiling.
No worries, Suzie, for being invited to the P party. I like you anyway.
Yeah! I think you should come to the Personality Party and join me in my booth. I think it would draw ten times more people than just me hanging in there. What do you think? Are you game? : )
Oh, yes! (Jump, jump, wave arms.)
Do I need to embroider a scarlet P on my chest?
Can I wear my bling? (Authors with personality do wear bling, don't they?)
Where's a mirror? I have to start practicing smiles ...
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