Monday, September 10, 2007

Fact Vs. Fiction

Is this crime novelist a real killer? Or did he simply write a little too well ...

(Housekeeping note: are any of you seeing the left banner of this blog pushed way down? If so, anybody know how to fix it?)


Tina Helmuth said...

That news story has the makings of a good book. Maybe it's been done.

~ Brandilyn Collins said...

Wow. Mucho thanks to Deb Raney (who owes me big time, anyway) for coming up with the answer to why some people were seeing my left column pushed down. The reason was two pictures put side by side in a post last Friday. I fixed that--and it worked. I was looking all over the template, trying to figure it out. Never would have thought it was a post.

Sheesh, Blogger.

Bonnie S. Calhoun said...

LOL...actually it wasn't the post per se...just the pictures! When they take up more than their alloted space the sidebar can't slide up into it's nesting spot.

Glad someone was around to fix you!'s not's the Blogger help boards we call that Operator Difficulty..LOL!

Karen Eve said...

I think trying to sell the victim's cell phone was a real big boo-boo, even though I have to wonder why it took the police so long to get it. I'm sure there were some other gafs, not to mention motive. It does seem like a movie script though. Truth is often stranger than fiction.
Thanks for sharing this.

Kristy Dykes said...

It's appearing correctly for me. But on my blog, it did this on my screen for weeks. I tried everything I knew to fix it to no avail. Finally, "it" released and went back to normal.

Kristy Dykes said...

I post lots of pics, so I reduced my pic size. Maybe that's what corrected it.

But I have another problem sometimes. My paragraphs refuse to "paragraph." My text all runs together. Ugh. Other times, it works correctly. I notice it does it more when I post pics. Maybe I'm taking up too much space.