The presidential race. Will it ever end? Hasn't this been the longest one you've ever seen?
What in the world will fill the news once somebody wins this thing?
And how many families are like ours? My mom's a staunch Republican. My oldest sister's a staunch Democrat. Sylvia's even doing some campaigning. Got her Hillary button and "Team Hillary" shirt and all. (We love her anyway.) While I was visiting Mom a couple weeks ago, Sylvia came over one day straight from a campaign meeting, wearing her T-shirt and carrying a sign. With an evil laugh, she said, "Watch this." She shoved the sign into the ground in Mom's front yard. I ran for the camera as she called Mom to come look.
This picture's worth the cover on our next family photo calendar. Sylvia, keepin' that sign down while Mom tries to pull it up. (Okay, the pic was staged. The first one I took didn't work--they were laughing too hard. But the photo does adequately represent these two's polarized political opinions.)

You're right: it's been a long campaign. We've sworn off network TV, and let the answering machine screen the calls. Oh, for mid-November to come.
Doesn't this at least say something good about this country? At least in America when you have people that are strongly opposed to one another politically, ideologically, they don't go out and kill each other. (for the most part) I have friends who are staunch democrats, I a republican. We can have heated debates, but at the end of the day we are still good friends. That is what America is about, I hope it always stays that way. (and I hope this email doesn't start a big flame war on your site. If you think it will, don't publish it.)
No flame wars here. I think your comment is right on.
Absolutely it says something good about the country. And about our family specifically--and any other family/group of friends who disagree strongly on politics but still love and support each other. It's for that very reason that I love this picture. It's so token of different politics, but at the same time it was all in fun.
I, too, am totally ready for it to all be over. But I have to say, it's going to be an interesting election. Imagine the possiblilties! Especially for fiction writers. HA!
Your family's a riot! Elections up here in Canada do not seema as long as yours. We don't have all the primary stuff going on.
I love the picture! Our family is on two sides of the fence as well, only I'm not sure we smile over it as much =)
Mrs. Clinton is the answer to global warming...
She can cool the earth's average overall temperatures by 16 degrees with her chilling personality ;)
Hmmmm... sounds kinda sci-fi. Love the freedom of expression in our USA. Love that we can be a people with so many views. It'd be boring otherwise.
LOVE that photo! Too wonderful. My family is very diverse in politics too. It amazes me that a group of Christians can differ so much, but at least we agree on most of the issues that are most important to our family.
Thanks for the laugh!
I still wish that Huckabee and Obama would be running mates. I can dream.
Fun pic!
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