Here's the second of Abingdon's launch novels in its new fiction line: Gone to Green by Judy Christie.
Judy has this to say about her writing journey and novel:
Gone to Green is my first novel and the result of a writing journey that started with a diary in elementary school. I've kept a journal ever since -- and have all of them. I have been blessed to work with Abingdon Press, which publishes my Hurry Less, Worry Less nonfiction series, and heard about their possible interest in fiction just as I was finishing Gone to Green. I wrote the novel when I turned 50, a promise I had made to myself. I certainly wish I had started writing fiction earlier because I enjoy it immensely. I'm now working on the second of the Green series.
About Gone to Green:Lois Barker trades her life as a corporate journalist at a large paper in the Midwest for ownership of The Green News-Item, a twice-weekly newspaper in rural North Louisiana. As the
not-so-proud new owner, Lois is obliged to keep the paper for at least a year, despite her doubts and fears. When she pulls into Green on New Year’s Day, her expectation of a charming little town full of friendly people is shattered. Instead, she must battle prejudice and financial corruption, while making friends and enemies with a host of fascinating characters who will change her life. As challenges unfold, her year in Green results in a newfound faith and unexpected blessings.
Judy, Great job with Gone To Green. Hope it skyrockets to success quickly. And thanks, Brandilyn, for your support of the Abingdon fiction launch.
Very cool sounding book. I look forward to reading it. Congratulations on your success!
Sure wish I could wear your character's boots that are on the cover. Love them. I just don't have the long, slender legs to pull it off!
Congratulations on Gone to Green. I have no doubt we will be seeing more great novels from you.
And thanks, Brandilyn, for featuring the Abingdon authors in the launch.
Sounds intriguing. A nice twist on where I assumed it was going at the start.
Congratulations on all the accolades your book has already received, Judy! I'm so glad to have made your acquaintance as part of the Abingdon fiction launch!
Sounds great! Love the cover... Lots of... green! WOOHOO!
Congratulations Judy! It's a fun read, and on Blog Tour with us at the end of August!
Just coming out from "underground," working on "Goodness Gracious Green," novel two, and having fun catching up on your blog!
Thank you so much, Brandilyn, for telling folks about "Gone to Green" and for doing a series on the Abingdon launch. As a new novelist, I appreciate all that I'm learning from you.
Judy Christie
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