And we're off again. Write the most creative caption for the photo--win your choice of one of my novels.
You can write as many captions as you want. Then come back sometime over the weekend and vote on your favorite caption. Winner will be announced Tuesday.

All right, Superboy. Quit showing off. Get down here this instant!
Oh no! It's raining kids!
Ned Polinsky was arrested this weekend for demonstrating his "Power Sneeze" on an innocent bystander.
David prayed for God to teach him patience.
Alert: Young boy falls from hot air balloon. Photo captured in time of crisis. Stranger saves the day, catching child in the nick of time.
Son! I told you not to inhale that hellium!
Is it me or does it seem like the force of gravity has shifted?
"Son, I know I said the sky is the limit, but this isn't exactly what I meant!"
Hey Dad, I'm falling for you!
"Okay, boys, stop playing with the anti-gravity wristwatch and starting washing the dishes THIS INSTANT!"
I thought you said that wasn't enough helium to get him off the ground.
No! I'm being LEFT BEHIND!
JOhn! You can't fly!
New type of sport...Kid Volleyball
Sneezing can be dangerous, this is proof.
My Headline:
Antigravity Victim Sees Dad's Waistline Get Smaller - Instantly
My Caption is a quote from the Dad:
How was I supposed to know that wearing my gray plaid pants would cause gravity to stop? I should've never let go of my child's hand. No, I should've worn the other pants.
My husband's caption is:
Woohoo! I rediscovered Flubber!
"A little to the left!"
It's a bird, it's a plane, it's a. . .hey, man, where'd you get those pants?
The day Little Jimmy takes off flying is the day Jack decides he needs to talk to his wife about her family tree...
The culprit who stole Willy Wonka's
secret tonic was identified today at the open air market. Capture occurred as hiccups set in.
A father training his son for a pilot's license.
"Um...can you explain the rules of this "trust" game again? Cuz I don't think this is right."
Wow! We just won a whole set of the Hidden Faces Series by Brandilyn Collins! Your Mom is going to treat us to dinner out tonight!
I thought the stork brought a baby to the doorstop, not dropping a boy off like a bombing run!
Having submitted my own, I vote for Roger's Left Behind comment. Classic.
Another celebrity dangles child from balcony. Thankfully there was someone to catch the child below.
The hottest toy for Christmas 2009! Remote control hover kid.
Hey honey, you forgot to take Johnny with you....Catch.
N O ! Don't puke.
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