Creston Mapes continues telling you about himself and his new release, Full Tilt:
Brandilyn asked what type of person would enjoy Dark Star and Full Tilt. We’re hearing from readers of all ages—including many young people—who are digging the characters and the gritty, unsanitized storylines. Let’s face it, in Jesus’ day and in ours, sin is real, it’s dark, and it isn’t pretty. The lure of Satan, the temptations to do evil, they’re real. I look at my books, Full Tilt and Dark Star, almost like modern day parables. The Gospel is clearly presented, but it rises up from the grassroots of a thrilling, believable, modern day story.
My goal is to write thrilling books that are entertaining, and that draw readers—Christians and non-Christians—closer to Christ. And that is happening. I’ve heard from people who’ve bought the books not knowing they had a Christian message, and they have been touched by them. Many readers have said the books have caused them to pray for people in the rock and entertainment industries. We’ve heard from readers across the US, Canada, Israel, New Zealand, Australia, and Scotland.
I like to cover real, contemporary issues in my books. While Dark Star dealt with rock stardom and personal psychics, Full Tilt delves deep into the world of methamphetamines. I did a ton of research on meth. It’s America’s fastest growing drug. US drug officials are calling it a scourge and a monster. That’s because it’s inexpensive, and it can be cooked at home from ordinary household goods. It’s being used by all age groups. And it’s incredibly dangerous, not only to those using it, but to those around them. Meth is highly addictive. It robs users of sleep and appetite. It’s a stimulant that overwhelms the brain, spinal cord, and nervous system. Users feel euphoric and invincible, doing things they would never do sober, including incredibly brutal, senseless, alarming acts of negligence and violence.
I also did a great deal of research on organized crime for Full Tilt. One of the main characters in the book, Eddie (Everett’s brother), is hooked on gambling, gets involved with the Mob, gets into big debt, and pulls Everett into that dangerous world with him. I read a lot of books by and about mobsters in order to make Full Tilt realistic.
There will be a third book in The Rock Star Chronicles. But before I write the next one, my publisher has sent me to Las Vegas for a research trip, and I’m writing another totally different Christian suspense thriller with a Vegas backdrop. Vegas is the fastest-growing city in America. There are TV shows popping up about it all over the place. We want to set a modern day story there that’s going to reveal the power of Christ’s love in Sin City.
A little about my background….I’ve been writing professionally for 20 years, first as a newspaper reporter, which I loved, then as a corporate marketing copywriter. For the past 15 years I’ve been freelancing from my home in Atlanta, where I write the novels we’ve discussed, and also magazine stories and marketing copy for companies such as Coke, BellSouth, Oracle, and also for ministries led by some well-known Bible teachers: Dr. Charles Stanley, Dr. Tony Evans, Dr. Bruce Wilkinson, and Chip Ingram. Some of the magazine stories I’ve written have been about popular recording artists: Casting Crowns, David Crowder Band, Third Day, Joy Williams. You can check all this out at my web site: www.crestonmapes.com
Thank you all for listening.
Thanks, Creston! Here are some reviews and endorsements for Full Tilt:
“Creston Mapes has scored another knockout with this tale of addiction, darkness, and redemption. Full Tilt is an emotional, psychological thrill ride that will leave you breathless.” — INFUZE MAGAZINE, Brian Palmer
“My son dove into Creston’s first novel, Dark Star, and devoured it. This, from a young man who doesn’t read much! I know what book I’m getting for him next—Full Tilt!
— ROBIN JONES GUNN, bestselling author of the Sisterchick series
“A gritty, realistic look at the dangers of meth, Full Tilt takes readers on one serious rollercoaster ride. Hang on.” — BILL MYERS, bestselling author of the The Presence
“Full Tilt rocks! With compelling characters and intriguing plot, Creston Mapes delivers a compulsive novel that will leave you in eager anticipation for the next Rock Star Chronicles installment.” — VENNESSA NG, Assistant Editor, Focus on Fiction
Creston Mapes keeps this Dark Star sequel going Full Tilt to the very last page. Another real page turner, Creston weaves a story as compelling as it is powerful. I’ve been waiting impatiently for this follow-up to Dark Star and it truly delivers! Well worth the wait…and well worth the read. I plan on reading anything this author writes.
— WANDA DYSON, author of Intimidation
"FULL TILT is good old fashioned evangelism wrapped in a modern, street-smart novel. For those about to rock, Mapes salutes you...with fast-paced stories full of memorable characters." — ERIC WILSON, author of Expiration Date and Dark to Mortal Eyes
“Fast-paced, intriguing, and compelling…and yet this page-turner pauses to display grace too. I appreciate the author’s willingness to tackle a subject that many shy from—the devastating consequences of this country’s growing methamphetamine problem. Well, done, Creston! My husband and I both enjoyed it.”
— MELODY CARLSON, award winning author of Crystal Lies and Diary of a Teenage Girl series
“With a cast of captivating characters and a plotline as taut as one of Everett Lester’s guitar strings, Creston Mapes has delivered a riveting tale of intrigue, the rock and roll subculture—and divine destiny. Full Tilt is a superb story from a gifted storyteller.”
— MARK MYNHEIR, author of From the Belly of the Dragon
"Creston Mapes draws a compelling portrait of an uncertain Christian trying to escape his sordid past — and demonstrates a gift of building an almost unbearable level of suspense in every situation." — CHRIS WELL, author of Deliver Us From Evelyn
“A fine blend of character and plot. Creston Mapes reconciles apparent contradictions of life with integrity and imagination.” — AKRON BEACON JOURNAL, Barbara McIntyre