Lots of wonderful captions for the Weird Photo! You all made deciding the winner very hard.
You may be wondering--what was that photo all about anyway? The answer (for you new readers of Forensics and Faith) mixes fiction and reality. The guy in the dragon mask is Stuart Stockton, author of the science fiction novel Starfire, Stuart's debut releasing in May. One of the characters in Stuart's created world of Sauria is a dragon, hence the mask. The book I'm signing for Stuart is Violet Dawn, first in my Kanner Lake series. The picture was taken 2 1/2 years ago.
Stuart and his story were the inspiration for the character S-Man in my Kanner Lake series. Throughout that series S-Man is writing his novel, Starfire. The characters and the Saurian world S-Man creates were taken straight from Stuart's real manuscript--with his permission, of course. In the final Kanner Lake book, Amber Morn, S-Man sells his novel. After Amber Morn was released, the real-life S-Man--Stuart--sold the real manuscript to Marcher Lord Press. Starfire's May 2009 release fits perfectly with the fictional release of Starfire according to the Kanner Lake timeline. Is that cool or what? Next week Stuart will be running a "Heralds of Starfire" contest on his blog. Entry will be easy--involving writing a post about Starfire on your own blog, and/or copying the above logo and pasting it somewhere on the Web. There will be numerous prizes, with the grand prize containing: The Kanner Lake Series (signed), guest blog spot here on Forensics and Faith, the Marcher Lord Press Spring list (three books, signed), and MLP E-books: Character Creation for the Plot First Novelist and How to Find Your Story or the MLP Gallery & screensaver.
When Stuart's contest starts running, I'll post the link here.
And now for the caption writing winner(s). Quite a few really made me laugh. Thanks for entertaining me all weekend. I ended up choosing two winners:
Christina Berry: "This book is so good, I came out of extinction to get a copy."
Stephanie Reed: "Hey, you're right--Stone Age Suspense would be a great brand."
Thanks to all who participated. Christina and Stephanie, please email me with your street addresses.
Congrats! My personal favorite is Richard Mabry's about Jurasic Park. HA!
Can't wait for Starfire to come out!
Wow, thanks so much! I liked the one at the end about Lizard Curtis Higgs, heehee.
I will contact you with pleasure and I look forward to reading Dark Pursuit. Enjoyed the contest and the photo laugh.
I loved Dread Frog's caption: "Brandilyn Collins at a signing for the Gorn Language Edition of her latest book. Gnort stood in line for 3 days to get his copy signed first."
Thank you! I read each entry as they came through and felt my chance of winning slip away with each one. :-)
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