This week Forensics and Faith celebrates its fifth birthday.
Five years ago my editor, marketing director, and an outside hired marketing consultant flew across the country to meet with me and my husband in our California home. We spent the day talking about my career management and marketing. My editor said, "You need to start blogging."

Next thing you know, I was blogging.
After a couple weeks I began telling the story of my journey toward publication in fiction. I didn't intend for it to take so long. But soon readers were really into the story. Of course I told it as a suspense author should--with fiction techniques and hooks at the end of each post. We began laughingly calling it the NES--Never Ending Saga. Some 60+ posts later it was finally finished. I laid it all out in that recounting--the 10 years of working, working, with not a dime to show for it. The rejections, all the highs and lows. The "How I Got Here" posts begin here.
When I started blogging I never considered I'd still be at it 5 years later. But here I am, and here you are. And I thank you all so very much for following Forensics and Faith.
FIVE years ago? I stumbled onto your blog fairly early on (in the middle of the NES). I've been faithfully following since, and it's one of my first stops in the morning.
This blog has been great in giving wonderful fiction tips, exposing authors and books to us, and opening up opportunities (Kanner Lake folks, let me hear ya!)
Thanks for taking this on - not many authors take the time you do, and your little community here shows it!
Jason (aka Pastor Hank)
Happy Bloggy Birthday!
Five years, wow, I've just started. I will celebrate my one year anniversary this month. I pray I can have the staying power like you and that I can develop a blog that is helpful and encouraging to my readers.
Thank you for what you do on a consistent basis.
Diane Marie Shaw
Happy Fifth Birthday,Brandilyn.This blog has encouraged many writers. Keep up the good work.
Thanks for sharing! I loved your article in CFOM. I need to like the protagonist in order to enjoy a book. Really helpful!
Congratulations on your five year anniversary!
You've helped, amused, terrified the BHCCers, contributed more than most to the muscle of writing and reaching fandom, and besides you're a great lady.
I don't know that I can claim much in this birthday, other than to give happy birthday wishes to anyone; I am rather new to this blog. But I have read many of your archives here and they have helped me, as an aspiring author, very much. So, Happy Birthday to Forensics & Faith.
You've truly accomplished something by staying with this 5 years. Many fiction writers struggle with blogging because nonfiction is not in their skill set, but you write nonfiction well. I started my blog almost 2 years ago, and keep improving it a little bit at a time. Congratulations!
Happy Birthday, Forensics & Faith!
I just finished the NES and all I can say is "Wow!" Thank you for sharing your experiences with us, it's truly an inspiration to newbie writers like myself.
Yay! Congrats!
And like all good relationships, F&F is a mutually rewarding one. Your 'net and social media savvy has enhanced your fiction's exposure. And your readers have benefited from the knowledge you've spent countless hours typity-typing to us.
Five candles for you!
Happy Fifth Birthday to Forensics and Faith! Brandilyn, thank you for sharing your knowledge and expertise with those of us who are prepublished. You help make us better.
A little late, but happy birthday F&F!! You've taught me a lot about the craft of writing, Brandilyn, and thanks to you, I not only read like a writer, I can write more like one, too!
I enjoy reading your blog and reading your books too. I just gave one of your books as a gift at Christmas to a friend who is not a Christian. I've been witnessing to her for awhile. She really enjoyed your book.
Blogging is fun, isn't it? Nice outlet. And what can I say - writers love to write!!!
BTW - I'm having a free book giveaway contest on my blog. One winner will be picked on Feb. 14th. All are welcome!
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