This past Sunday I attended the Newsboys concert in Spokane, free ticket and backstage passes courtesy of their management. (My assistant, Gayle DeSalles, is good friends with a married couple who work as managers for the Newsboys tours.) Of course, I took a box of books with me to give to them all for travel reading.
The concert was great. How wonderful to rock out to music and praise God at the same time. Our seats were terrific--absolute center just off the thrust stage.
The coolest part of the concert came during the drum solos. Peter, the lead singer, came out onto the thrust stage to a half drum set. He stood and played these while the main drummer, Duncan, whaled on his full drum set on stage. Peter's stage rose very high ... and Duncan's set, also on its own round platform, began to rise. Duncan's platform then tilted forward 90 degrees like a ferris wheel--and started to spin. The guy kept right on playing. His drums are all fastened down. When I asked Duncan how in the world he stayed on his seat, he pointed to his rear. "Buns of steel."
The true story--a seatbelt.
I'd say that's real Seatbelt Suspense, wouldn't you?
Here a few of my photos. My pic of the tilted drummer didn't turn out. You'll have to trust me on this one. You can see Duncan--topside up--on his drum stage. And Peter up high on his.

That is very cool! the last P&W we had here was Michael Brown, late last year.
Absolutely love the Newsboys live in concert and on the stereo. What fun. They didn't do the tilting dual drum thing when we saw them awhile back. Cool!
I went to the Newsboys' Go Tour early this month when it was in the area (presented by my church). One of the best concerts I've ever been to - loved the drum part. Since we were helping with the concert (merchandise, etc.), we got free tickets and were able to party in the aisles. :)
Love the Newsboys and loved their drum tricks when I saw them this year!
The Tilt-o-Whirl Drum is also on YouTube:
So much good stuff from Australia!!!! Not biased, am I?!
I'd love to see one of their concerts.
I haven't been to a concert in forever. I sure love their music! Great pictures.
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