All right, folks. Let loose with your most creative caption for this lovely picture. This photo will be up all weekend. Return sometime Saturday-Monday to vote on your favorite caption. (You can vote for yourself if you want.) Winner will be announced Tuesday and will receive his/her choice of one of my suspense novels.

Skewered again!
Why do we do it?
Miss California's "before" picture.
This is why do DON'T want to stay up all night reading a Brandilyn Collins book.
That's the last time I sleep with sea urchins.
"Moi? A morning person? Yes, of course! Can't you tell?"
The things I let my daughter do to me!
If you put this on line, my naturally curly hair lie is toast.
The aliens came and attacked my head again. What's it to you?
When I awakened, the alien ship was gone leaving me as the host head for these florlorkian babies! Whata ya gonna do?
"Mom, turn your head. I think we're picking up Moscow."
You should see me on a bad hair day.
I vote for Bill's comment. HA HA
Don't hate me because I'm beautiful.
And they thought GM needed a bailout...
I never thought giving up my morning coffee would reduce me to this!
Has finally scored an appointment at the fabulous Mr. Kenneth's salon and would rather die than show up with bad hair.
i vote for Bill's comment. LOL! And kudos to the photographer.
How about the line from the old Bette Davis movie:
"I'd like to kiss you but I just washed my hair."
Curses! Coiled again.
..Just another manic Monday...
All right, all ready. Enough with the camera.
Curl, interrupted.
Be there in a second.
How does my neighbor KNOW to show up at the door every time I do my hair!
I like C.J. Darlington's - coz I've done that myself! :) :) :)
The cats decided they wanted to have some fun with Maggie's hair.
I'm so happy! It's my wedding day!!!
All right, Mr DeMille, I'm ready for my close up.
And just when she thought her day couldn't get any worse...
In the words of Ivana Turmp..."Gorgeous hair is the best revenge." ;)
Make that 'Trump'.
Also forgot to mention that I like both Bill and Kristi's entries, too. :)
"I'm waiting for my bacon to get done."
"He has made everything beautiful in its time..." Ecc 3:1 AMP
I'm gonna git you when they let me up outa this chair.
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