Please join me in wishing my mom, Ruth Seamands, a happy 92nd birthday. Many of you know Mom as Mama Ruth. And she truly is "mama" to many.
Mom was a missionary to India for twenty years with Daddy, who has now passed on. She's an incredible hostess, a lover of people, has a great sense of humor, and is hands down the best mom on the planet.
Her determination to stay young and active is legendary. She parasailed at 85. Decided at 88 her teeth had been crooked long enough and got braces. (She has lovely white, straight snappers today--her own.) She made a TV commercial at 90 for her dentist, who was so amazed at the results of her Invisalign braces. And she took her first motorcycle ride after her 90th birthday party.
Mom was a missionary to India for twenty years with Daddy, who has now passed on. She's an incredible hostess, a lover of people, has a great sense of humor, and is hands down the best mom on the planet.
Her determination to stay young and active is legendary. She parasailed at 85. Decided at 88 her teeth had been crooked long enough and got braces. (She has lovely white, straight snappers today--her own.) She made a TV commercial at 90 for her dentist, who was so amazed at the results of her Invisalign braces. And she took her first motorcycle ride after her 90th birthday party.
To this day Mom still does half an hour of floor exercises every morning. She can lean over and put her palms flat on the floor. Her reactions are so quick she can drop an egg and catch it before it hits the ground.
Mom remains the beloved doyenne of ACFW. She's never missed a conference. Her last book was written in her 80's--a tribute to three generations of women in her family, titled Cast a Long Shadow.
Mom remains the beloved doyenne of ACFW. She's never missed a conference. Her last book was written in her 80's--a tribute to three generations of women in her family, titled Cast a Long Shadow.
Age 85--Parasailing
Age 86--Skipping rope on a sidewalk colored for her
when my novel Color the Sidewalk for Me was released.
Age 89--Head to the knees, part of her daily floor exercises.
when my novel Color the Sidewalk for Me was released.
Age 89--Head to the knees, part of her daily floor exercises.
Age 90--Motorcycle ride after her birthday party bash.
Age 90--Dressed in Indian sari at the awards banquet during the ACFW conference. (Pictured with agent Chip MacGregor in his kilt.)
Age 91--with me at ACFW Conference this past September.
Happy birthday, Mom!
What a gal!! You two are awesome. Happy Birthday, Magnificent Lady.
Happy Birthday Mama Ruth! See you in September!!
Happy, happy birthday, my dear Mama Ruth! You know I love you--you will always be extra special to me. I am wishing you a wonder-filled, God-kissed day followed by a year of abundant blessings! If God blesses you half as much as you bless others, you'll be filled to overflowing. :o)
Happy Birthday Dear, Sweet Ruth. You are an amazing woman and so blessed to have Brandilyn for a daughter. You both are treasures. God's blessings to you.
Happy Birthday Mama Ruth. You are truly an inspiration to us all.
Karen Wevick
Oh, Happy Birthday to Mama Ruth! What a wonderful tribute to a woman who seems to be truly amazing! I hope I'm as spry and spunky when I'm her age! Blessings, Brandilynn to you and your mother! Merry Christmas!
Mama Ruth, I see Jesus shining through you. Your humor and zest for life are a wonderful testimony of the joy in serving the Savior.
God bless you on your birthday! And I hope to see you in Denver.
Oh, wow! Happy Birthday. That's awsome.
Wow! Mama Ruth, you are incredible! Happy birthday! May the Lord bring you another year of outrageous blessings!
Isn't it great when your mom is one of your best friends?
Happy Birthday, Mama Ruth!
Happy Birthday Mama Ruth! You are truly a wonderful and awesome woman! May God grant you many more years of rich blessings. Enjoy your day! Hugs!
Hope you have a wonderful birthday, Mama Ruth! I haven't met you in person yet, but I feel like I have from seeing all these great pictures and hearing about you from Brandilyn. I hope I get to meet you soon!
Happy, happy birthday! What an amazing lady you are!
wow! Happy birthday!
I wouldn't have parasailed when I was half your age!
Happy Birthday, dear Mama Ruth! I had the great honor and privilege of meeting you at the 2006 ACFW Conference in Dallas. You are truly an inspiration and an example of the truth that while we all must grow older, we never have to grow old. :)
With love and blessings,
MaryAnn Diorio
Wow! Mama Ruth, I want to be just like you when I grow up!
I had the pleasure of sitting next to your mom at the ACFW this year. What an incredible lady.
Hope the birthday was worthy of 92 wonderfully lived years.
God bless you and keep you Mama Ruth, and may you celebrate many more years!
Birthday blessings, Mama Ruth. You are amazing, and a true delight!
Happy birthday Mama Ruth. May you have another great 92 years!
I've never met you, but I'm totally inspired by your pictures and story and your missionary efforts continue through the amazing writing and life of your daughter. Happy Birthday, dear lady. May you enjoy the Son for many more!
Happy Birthday,
You are having fun, I can tell.
What a wonderful journey we are on, and you are a great example.
Terra TWV member
Yes, Mama Ruth, you are the beloved doyenne of ACFW. I was inspired by your appearance at the 2006 conference in Dallas. Thank you for your example!
Happy Birthday! You are an inspiration for those of us in the second act of life. May you enjoy many, many more!
Happy Birthday, Mama Ruth! Hope your day and your year is specially blessed!
Your Mom is a wild one! That's awesome!
Braces at 88? Parasailing? Motorcycle-riding? Ruth, you're an inspiration to women everywhere! You remind me of Mildred Wirt Benson, the original ghostwriter of the Nancy Drew mystery series--she got her pilot's license in her fifties, was the first woman to get the first master's degree in journalism at the University of Iowa, and continued writing into her 90s.
Happy Birthday, from a fellow adventurer and new admirer of yours! (Thanks, Brandilyn, for sharing your mom with us.)
Happy birthday, sweet Ruth! Do you remember me from MidAmerica? "I wonder if you know my daughter in Redwood City?" :-) I want to be like you when I grow up!
Happy Birthday Ruth!
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