Any brave soul care to try using at least six of these in a sentence?
CALEFY (KAL-uh-fy) trans. verb--to make warm.
ARGENTINE (AR-jen-tine) adj.--relating to, containing, or resembling silver.
FRIVOL (FRI-vul) int. verb--to act frivolously.
LOGY (LO-gee) adj.--marked by sluggishness and lack of vitality; lacking resilience.
PANEGYRIC (pan-uh-JI-rick) noun--a eulogistic oration or writing; a formal or elaborate eulogy.
EDENTULOUS (ee-DEN-chu-lus) adj.--lacking teeth; having lost teeth previously present.
HOLUS-BOLUS (HO-lus-BO-lus) adv.--all at once; altogether.
YAWP (YOP) int. verb--to make a raucous noise.
DIRDUM (DUR-dum) noun--uproar, fuss; rebuke, scolding; a piece of bad luck.
SETACEOUS (se-TAY-shus) adj.--set with or consisting of bristles; resembling a bristle.
OBVIATE (OB-vee-ate) trans. verb--to meet or anticipate and dispose of; make unnecessary.
PAWKY (PAW-key) adj.--artfully shrewd.
KICKSHAW (KICK-shaw) noun--a fancy dish in cookery; something elegant but trifling.
WAMBLE (WAHM-bul) int. verb--to feel nausea; to move unsteadily or with a weaving or rolling motion.
GLAUCOUS (GLAW-kus) adj.--of a pale yellow green color.
PROGENITOR (pro-JEN-ed-ur) noun--an ancestor in the direct line; a biologically ancestral form.
PERCIPIENT (per-SIP-ee-unt) adj.--capable of or characterized by perception.
ANIMADVERSION (anuh-mad-VER-zhun) noun--criticism that is usually adverse and prompted by hostility.
BEDIZEN (beh-DIZE-un) trans. verb--to dress or adorn with gaudy and meretricious vulgarity.
EMOLUMENT (eh-MOL-yuh-ment) noun--profit or perquisites from office, employment, or labor.
IDIOPATHIC (id-ee-uh-PATH-ik) adj.--peculiar to the individual.
ZOANTHROPY (zo-AN-thru-pe) noun--monomania in which a person believes himself changed into an animal.
IMPONE (im-PONE) trans. verb--to put upon, impose.
FULGURATION (ful-gyu-RA-shun) noun--the act or process of flashing like lightning.
TOSSPOT (TOSS-pot) noun--drunkard, sot.
VILIPEND (VIL-uh-pend) trans. verb--to hold or treat as of small worth or account.
COMITY (KAH-muh-dee) noun--kindly courteous behavior; friendly civility.
MELISMA (mi-LIZ-muh) noun--a group of notes or tones sung on one syllable in plainsong.
ERUCT (i-RUCT) trans. verb--to bring up (gas) from the stomach by belching.
RACKLE (RACK-ul) adj.--impetuous, headstrong.
PARURE (pah-ROO-er) noun--a matched set of jewelry or other ornaments worn together.
Read September ‘10
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God Bless You ~Ron
The edentulous tosspot yawped and eructed repulsively and his complexion took on a glaucous hue, as he wambled down the street bedizened with a gaudy argentine parure.
Yo, Linda, waytago!
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