PALLIATE (PAL-ee-ate)--To make a crime seem less serious; to mitigate or alleviate.
ATRABILIOUS (a-truh-BIL-ee-us)--Gloomy; ill-tempered.
SCRUTATOR (SCREW-tay-der)--one who investigates; an examiner or observer.
TATTERDEMALION (tat-er-di-MAIL-yuhn)--(Adj.) Ragged, tattered. (Noun) Person in ragged clothes.
SEQUACIOUS (si-KWAY-shus)--(adj.) Unthinkingly following others.
VERBIGERATION (verb-ij-uh-RAY-shun)--(noun) Obsessive repetition of meaningless words or phrases.
PROPINQUITY (pro-PING-kwi-tee) (noun)--Nearness of blood (kinship); Nearness of place (proximity).
ABSTEMIOUS (ab-STE-me-us) adj.--Eating/drinking in moderation; restricted to bare necessities/sparing.
EOLEAN (e-oh-LEE-un) adj.--Borne, deposited, produced, or eroded by the wind.
LEONINE (LEE-uh-nine) adj.--Pertaining to a lion.
SCROFULOUS (SCROF-yu-lus) adj.--Having a diseased appearance; morally degenerate/corrupt.
VICISSITUDE (vis-SIS-uh-tood) noun--State of being changeable (mutability); a change in condition/fortune.
PHLEGMATIC (fleg-MAD-ic) adj.--Having a sluggish temperament; calm/unemotional. (
PALADIN (PAA-luh-din) noun--A trusted military leader; a champion of a cause.
MOLDER (MOL-der) verb--To crumble away; to deteriorate for lack of exercise.
LIMPET (LIMP-ut)--One who clings tenaciously; a mollusk clinging fast to rock; a bomb that clings to a ship hull.
SENECTITUDE (se-NECK-ti-tood) noun--Old age.
MISCIBLE (MISS-uh-ble) adj.--Capable of being mixed together.
TERPSICHOREAN (turp-sik-uh-RE-un) adj.--Pertaining to dancing. From Terpsichore, Greek muse of dancing/singing.
SUCCEDANEUM (suck-suh-DAY-ne-um) noun--A substitute.
REDIVIVUS (red-uh-VIV-us) adj.--Brought back to life; revived.
REGNANT (REG-nunt) adj.--Reigning; predominant; of common or widespread occurrence.
NOSTOMANIA (nos-tuh-MAY-nee-uh) noun--Overwhelming desire to return home or to familiar places.
EFFLORESCENCE (ef-luh-RES-unse) noun--Gradual process of unfolding or developing; highest point or culmination.
ANODYNE (AN-uh-dine) adj.--intended to assuage pain or sooth mind/feelings. Inducing oblivion/unconcern.
GAMIN (GAM-in) noun--A boy street urchin.
HARRIDAN (HAIR-uh-dun) noun--A vicious, scolding old woman.
RAPACIOUS (ruh-PAY-shus) adj.--Taking by force; excessively covetous; ravenous; existing on prey.
SKIRL (SKURL) verb--to emit a shrill tone; to play the bagpipe.
SYBARITE (SIB-uh-rite) noun--a person devoted to luxury and pleasure.
MORIBUND (MORE-uh-bund) adj.--approaching death; in a state of suspended activity or arrested growth.
Anybody wanna tackle using at least five of these babies in a sentence?
Read April '09