Who's gonna tackle using at least six of these in a sentence? The highly creative will use at least eight...
EPIGONE (EP-uh-gohn) noon--an inferior imitator of a distinguished writer, philosopher, musician, or artist.
CHIMERICAL (ki-MER-uh-cul) adj.--unreal, existing only as the product of wild, unrestrained imagination.
SIMULACRUM (sim-uh-LAKE-rum) adj:--a representation of something, an image; a superficial likeness.
PECKSNIFFIAN (PEK-SNIFF-ee-un) adj.--marked by unctuous hypocrisy; selfish & corrupt behind seeming benevolence.
CONTUMELIOUS (kon-tuh-MEE-li-us) adj--insolently abusive and humiliating.
BOMBINATE (BOM-buh-nate) verb--to buzz or drone.
PERENDINATE (puh-REN-din-ate) verb--to put off until the day after tomorrow.
DELITESCENT (de-li-TES-unt) adj.--lying hidden.
GADARENE (GAD-uh-REEN) adj.--rushing precipitously forward; engaged in headlong flight.
POLYSEMOUS (puh-LI-suh-mus) adj.--having many meanings.
CELERITY (su-LARE-i-tee) adj.--rapidity of motion or action; swiftness, speed.
DARKLING (DARK-ling) adj.--uncannily or threateningly dark or obscure.
CONCINNITY (kun-SIN-ni-tee) noun--a studied elegance and ease in style of expression.
ACARPOUS (AY-car-pus) adj.--not producing fruit; sterile.
MOIROLOGIST (moy-ROL-uh-jist) noun--a hired mourner.
PELLUCID (puh-LOO-sid) adj.--permitting maximum light so one can see without distortion; very easy to understand.
LUCUBRATE (LOO-kyoo-brate) verb--to work, write, or study laboriously, esp. at night; to write learnedly.
OVERSLAUGH (O-vur-slaw) verb--to pass someone over in favor of another, as in a promotion.
SUBINTELLIGITUR (sub-in-tull-IDG-i-tur) noun--something implicitly understood but not stated.
COEVAL (koh-EE-vul) adj.--of the same age or duration; occuring at the same time/era.
VERTIGINOUS (ver-TIDGE-i-nus) adj.--afflicted with dizziness; tending to cause dizziness.
LACHRYMOSE (LOCK-ruh-mose) adj.--fit to bring tears or induce sadness.
DERACINATE (duh-RASS-un-ate) verb--to pull out by the roots; to remove from one's environment.
BORBORYGMUS (BOR-buh-RIG-mus) noun--intestinal gurgling.
CHTHONIC (THAWN-ick) adj:--dwelling in or relating to the underworld; relating to hellish spirits.
THROTTLEBOTTOM (THROT-tul-BOT-tum) noun--an innocuously inept and futile person in public office.
ACULEATE (uh-KYU-lee-ut) adj.--marked by incisiveness; pointed, stinging.
CADUCITY (kuh-DYU-si-tee) noun--perishableness, transitoriness; a feebleness from age, such as senility.
IMPUDICITY (im-pyu-DISS-i-tee) noun--shameless, immodest.
SACCADIC (suh-KAH-dic) adj.--characterized by sudden movement; jerky.
Read July ‘09