My favorites this month are catechresis, Laodicean, and Xanthippe.
I challenge you to create a sentence using at least six of these words--without falling into a catechresis.
POCOCURANTE (poh-coh-cyu-RAHN--tee) adj.--unconcerned, indifferent, nonchalant.
NYCTALOPIA (nik-tal-OH-pee-uh) noun: reduced vision in dimness or darkness; night blindness.
PUNCTILIO (punk-TIL-ee-oh) noun--nice detail of conduct in a ceremony or in an observance of a social/moral code.
PARVENU (PAR-vuh-NYU) noun--one who makes great pretensions because of newly acquired wealth/station in life.
NIDIFICATION (NI-di-fi-KAY-shun) noun--the act or process of building a nest.
PRETERMIT (pre-ter-MIT) verb--to let pass without mention/omit; to leave undone/neglect; to interrupt or suspend.
DESIDERATUM (duh-sid-uh-RAHT-um) noun--something desired as essential; something sought for or aimed at.
BANAUSIC (buh-NAH-sik) adj.--governed by utilitarian purposes/practical; moneymaking/breadwinning.
ASTROGATE (AS-truh-GATE) verb--to guide (as a rocket) in interplanetary flight; to navigate in space.
ONYCHOPHAGIA (uh-nu-koh-PHAY-jee-uh) noun--biting one's nails.
XANTHIPPE (zan-THIP-pee) noun--an ill-tempered woman, a shrew. After Xanthippe, wife of Socrates.
INTERNECINE (in-ter-nuh-SEEN) adj.--marked by great slaughter/deadly; relating to conflict within a group.
SCHWERPUNKT (SCHVUR-pungkt) noun--focal point; area of concentrated effort, as in a military operation.
VOLITANT (VOL-i-tunt) adj.--flying or capable of flying; moving about rapidly.
SALTATION (sal-TAY-shun) noun--act of leaping; an advance by leaps instead of constant gradation; sudden change.
INTERMONTANE (in-ter-mon-TANE) adj.--situated between mountains.
QUIESCENT (kwee-ESS-unt) adj.--marked by a state of inactivity or repose; tranquilly at rest.
DISHABILLE (dis-uh-BEEL) noun--the state of being partially or very casually dressed.
MATUTINAL (muh-TOOT-i-nul) adj.--relating to or occurring in the morning.
LUGUBRIOUS (lu-GOO-bree-us) adj.--marked by or giving rise to grief; exaggeratedly mournful; disposed to gloom.
TERATISM (TER-uh-TIZ-um) noun--anomaly of organic form and structure, e.g., monstrosity; worship of monsters.
MUCEDINOUS (myu-SED-uh-nus) adj.--having the nature of or resembling mold or mildew.
HUMECTANT (hyu-MEC-tunt) adj.--having moistening qualities.
CATECHRESIS (CAT-uh-KREE-sus) noun--use of the wrong word for the context.
CONVENTICLE (con-VEN-ti-cul) noun--an assembly or meeting, especially of a society or body of persons.
MANSUETUDE (MAN-swuh-TOOD) noun--the quality or state of being gentle; meekness, tameness.
NUGATORY (NYU-ga-TOR-ee) adj.--having little or no consequence/worthless; having no force.
MARMOREAL (MAR-more-EE-ul) adj.--relating to or resembling marble.
MENDACITY (men-DASS-i-dee) noun--the practice or an instance of lying.
LAODICEAN (lay-aw-di-SEE-un) adj.--lukewarm or indifferent in religion or politics. From church of Laodicea.
Read September ‘09