Here are September's big, beautiful words. Dare ya to create a sentence using at least six of them.
ALGETIC (al-JET-uk) adj.-relating to or causing pain.
EUTROPHIC (YOO-tru-fic) adj.-relating to or being in a well-nourished condition.
CASUISTIC (KAW-zshu-WIS-tik) adj.-of or based upon actual cases or case histories.
EXCRESCENCE (ex-KRES-unts) noun-an abnormal outgrowth; an excessive increase.
FANTOD (FAN-tod) noun-state of irritability or tension; state of acute distress; violent or irrational outburst.
STRUTHIOUS (STRU-thee-us) adj.--of or relating to the ostrich.
SKEUOMORPH (SKYU-uh-MORF) noun--an ornament.
GEMEINSCHAFT (guh-MINE-shuft) noun-spontaneous relationship with strong reciprocal bonds within a community.
SAPROPHYTIC (sa-pro-FIT-ik) adj.-obtaining nourishment by absorbing decayed organic material.
ENCOMIUM (un-KOH-mee-um) noun-an often formal expression of warm or high praise; a eulogy.
NUNCUPATIVE (NUN-coo-PAY-tiv) adj.--stated aloud, oral.
PANGLOSSIAN (PAN-glus-SEE-un) adj.--optimistic. (From Pangloss, optimistic tutor in Voltaire's Candide.
ANTIPHRASIS (an-TIF-ruh-sus) noun--use of a word in opposite of its meaning, usually for humor or irony.
HYPAETHRAL (hy-PEE--thrul) adj.--open to the air, outdoor.
QUONDAM (KWAN-dum) adj.--having been formerly; former or sometime.
ASYNDETON (uh-SIN-du-TAHN) noun--omission of conjunction between words/clauses (ex.--I came, I saw, I conquered).
SENECTITUDE (suh-NEK-ti-TOOD) noun--old age.
OBNUBILATE (ob-NYU-bi-LATE) verb--to cover or obscure, to cloud; to make cloudy of mind.
MEPHITIC (muh-FIT-ick) adj.--offensive to the sense of smell.
PERTINACIOUS (pert-uh-NAY-shus) adj.--stubbornly inflexible; hard to dismiss or bring to an end.
ESPIAL (uh-SPY-ul) noun--the act of spying or watching; observance.
FULIGINOUS (FYU-li-gin-us) adj.--containing soot, sooty; clouded or obscure, murky.
CENOBITIC (SEN-uh-BIT-ick) adj--living in common as a member of a religious group. Example: nun or monk.
BANDERSNATCH (BAN-dur-snatch) noun--a wildly grotesgue or bizarre individual.
ABECEDARIAN (AY-bee-see-DARE-ee-un) noun--one who is learning something/a novice; one who teaches the alphabet.
BAHUVRIHI (bah-huv-REE-hee) noun--a compound word, such as graybeard, blockhead, barefoot.
WHIGMALEERIE (whig-muh-LI-ree) noun--a whim or fancy; an odd or fanciful contrivance.
EPISTAXIS (ep-uh-STACK-sus) noun--a nosebleed.
GALIMATIAS (GAL-i-MAY-shus) noun--confused and meaningless talk.
Read October ‘09